Lifecycle Testing

Applied Lab offers Lifecycle testing to provide key information on a fabric's lifecycle, keeping you in the know.

LifeCycle Testing

Determining a fabric’s lifecycle can be difficult as there is no single test by itself that can predict the lifecycle of a fabric. Our consultative Lifecycle Testing services can help you establish how long a fabric will hold up to the rigors of the environment by applying multiple test methods our experts deem appropriate based on the specific fabric construction and end use of the textile.

Lifecycle Testing Details

Applied Lab helps take the guesswork out of understanding the lifecycle of a fabric. Our experts assess the fabric’s specific properties and end application and test to the expected conditions of the environment. With lifecycle testing you can ensure you know how long your textile will perform.

Contact Applied Lab to see how Lifecycle Testing can improve your textiles today.

Inquire About Lifecycle Testing

Have questions on Lifecycle testing? Contact us for details.

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